At least three (3) out of five (5) females in Nigeria have suffered Gender-based Violence at least once in their lifetime. It has also been established that about 10,000 females experience rape in Nigeria on a daily basis.
This sad narrative only continues to grow in prevalence.
The above sad narrative creates a dire need to galvanize for more practical ways that establish a zero-tolerance culture to Gender-based Violence.
These practical ways include, but are not limited to conscious cultural & media sensitization among Nigerians, with the aim of achieving social and behavioral change in private and public spaces.
Given the above, and as part of efforts geared at contributing to peace & sustainable development, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), through the Spotlight Initiative Program (which is aimed at ending all forms of violence against women), and in close partnership with Descal Communications, has developed an audio jingle which creatively captures a message that seeks to change mindsets and sensitize on the issue of Gender-basedViolence.
Please click here to listen, download and share. Remember, ending Gender-based Violence is a collective responsibility. We are leaving no one behind!
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